November 28, 2013

Gothic Lolita Picnic

So last week we had a Gothic Lolita Picnic at Ikebukuro's shopping mall PARCO.
It was a talk show with Misako Aoki and fashion show with some popular models such as Kimura Yuu and Rin Rin doll. 
It wasn't very interesting as the only amateur lolita was the host, so we heard things we all know so well.
But I liked the ALGONQUINS fashion show and they gave us some sweets too ^_^
(I told you I would wear this outfit to death)
Bowler hat: G2 (Me My Mine?)
Flower w/ veil: DEVAS STORE
blouse: IW
Coat: F+F
Blazer: offbrand
skirt: Alice and the pirates
boots: victoria secrets
wig: mbok

So we arrived a tick late to the event but it was okay because they were late too.
after some mild troubles (as in one of our people got a confirmation email but was not on the list, etc) we managed to go to the event, which was at the rooftop.
it was cool at first, but too sunny and we couldn't see much.
And then the sun set and we froze.

Sara and me! ^__^

the host... yes the pictures suck 'cause we couldn't see.

fashion show

there was a meet and greet that took two hours for 40 people A_A
Kimura Yuu (colorfull hair) and Rin Rin doll.
I could talk to them and I was quite happy!
Kimura Yuu said I was very 'adult-ish' , and instead of saying the regular 'oh kawaii desu ne', she said 'how beautiful'.
and Im like 'noooooooooooooooooooooo *blush*'

Rin Rin doll and Misako. 
I dislike Misako.
She's plain, has no personality, looks like she's bored and idk, if it was just a cute face there's so many more people.
Also she left early.
Also she keeps saying that men have no place in Lolita fashion and I want to slap her.
That was my first 'encounter' with the Kawaii Ambassador. 

For the 'picnic' part, we got some tea and sweets

the sweets were designed by a patissiere technical school.
they wanted to make something so cute and easy to eat we would be troubled and couldn't bite but would really really want to.

took some guts to bite the bear WHICH IS A MACAROON.


the host was so cute.
IDK who she is, I just remember he couldn't get her lines right because they were in polite Japanese and that is tough shit.

Its a pancake house, but for 1790 yen (or something like that) you get a salad (your choice), main dish (your choice), a drink (you can choose cocktails!) and a pancake (also choice!)

I got me this big ass salad

and a hamburger

and berry nuts pancake.
(I wanna get skinny, but pancakes!)
After that we went to the ladies room cause too much waiting around.
but the mirrors were great so we had a selfie session!


more selfiesssssssssss

Cake, Akira-chan and Mi-chan
Ash was smoking xD

and what do  you do in japan?
so here's the day's profit.

See you next time!

take caaaaaare~


  1. Kimuraaaaa adoro ela ;~; tão lindinha! <3 É eu tb acho a Misako blasê cu face -_-, mas apesar do frio pareceu tudo bem diver hein! ♡♡ ai como eu queria ir nesses negócios ae x_x um dia um dia!
    Tava linda amada ♡ amei o outfit!

    1. olha só tava frio de noitinha e não tava ventando, dai acabei carregando o bendito do casaco XDDD
      um dia vc vem e me acompanha em tuuudo <3 <3

      obrigada Lulinda *U*

  2. Adorei o outfit com o casaco :3

    Prefiro não pensar que tem gente preconceituosa/chata para não estressar. Queria ver ela barrando os 2m e 130kg de Hudson XD

    Eu adoro ver suas aventuras, mas acho que o que sempre me chama a atenção é a comida XD Eu nunca me privo de comer nada , mas como faço quando simplesmente não posso comer porque é de um restaurante do outro lado do mundo? ;w;

    1. Obrigada! carreguei o bendito até o JP pq aqui faz frio o suficiente pra usar <3

      Sei lá, não era a Misako na porta, todos os seguranças eram homens, achei meio babaca.

      Eu tento não postar comida porque a galera passa vontade, DESCULPA y_______y tal vez vc (ou Hudson) possam cozinhar parecido? ;u; tem receitas na internet, acho que é o jeito.
      mas sou sempre a favor de vcs virem me ver, meu namorado é chinês aposto que ele n se importa de apertar todo mundo no mesmo lugar yuy <3

  3. Fico tão feliz em ver vc usando lolita de novo...claro que isso é um tanto egoísta já que EU adoro vc de lolita, mas o mais lindo de tudo é que vc parece tão feliz e tão a vontade que deixa tudo ainda mais bonito!
    Sempre acompanho suas postagens, não comento por falta de tempo e boicote do meu serviço que não me deixa logar para comentar XD, mas fico sempre mt feliz em ver o quão você se adaptou bem ai <3
    E nem vou falar nada da comida, pq tudo parece tão gostoso que prefiro nem ficar focando nas fotos hauauhauauauahuau

    1. Nhammm obrigada Fay! So de saber que vc acompanha ja fico tao feliz!
      Ultimamente to com menos views e n sei o que eu fiz errado y_y

      To esperando vc aqui pra lolitar cmg viu!!!!!


Any thoughts? Shootミ☆