November 30, 2012

Got item! November

kya~n! some of the items I ordered from the internet are here yay!

banana fish tee *-*

It's a lovely off brand!

also, this monomania package is so cute, isn't it?
Imma make a photo frame of this later!!

Off brand creepy cuuu-te! eyes cream! hahaha

This is the monomania items, my two tone (pink X purple) tights and a bowed eye ring!

Creepy cute here I go yay! >U<

Have you been buying things recently? What did you ask for Xmas? I wanna know tee hee~

Take care ;)

November 26, 2012


Hey guys!
It's the 25th of November sooooo.... The givaway winners!
I'm actually disappointed, I have far more daily views than the participants.... only 4!
So what I'm gonna do is SPLIT the prize in first and second place.
First place gets the BB creams set. Second gets a free art!


Second place )o)
Congratulations~~ Thank you for following Mary in the Sky and care enought to participate *-* Please send me an e-mail at com a foto do que você quer que eu desenhe <3 E alguns detalhes, por exemplo as cores do laço em volta e se você gostaria de decorações especificas ^^/ Also your address so I can send it to you!

And the first place iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis..........

ta daaaaa.!!!!


Congratz! Send me your address at and I'll send you your prize!

Well, I won't be doing givaways so soon Y_Y I am hurt, boo hoo.....!

take care!

November 19, 2012

Ichigo's party

The march towards adulthood seems to be blocked by everything I find amusing.

This Saturday was Ichigo's birthday party!
It was kind of strawberry / red / pink themed, so I dressed up a little~
Finally got to wear my Meta shoes ;^; sorta year later.... 
I'm surprised it's the photo that gets the most likes in my Tumblr :T 

Well the party was Karaoke, which passed soooo fast! We sang and screamed a lot haha
And Ichigo made a cake it was very good yay~
Fun fun fun~

Take care~!

November 12, 2012


Herp derp super late post Y___Y"

Im always waiting for photos, 'cause I always ALWAYS forget my camera....!
Well on the 31st was on a Wednesday, so I went up meccha gothic for work ;D

behold the melting vampire!!
 Yeah, so we did a party on Saturday!!!
We (well Erin and Steph) baked some creepy cute foods for the ocation~

I did help, by doing all the details (faces/hats/what nots)
And my costume was supposed to be frankenstein nurse, but it ended up being... Alice?!

I broke Alice. I don't have picks umn Y^Y

Erin with a bunny!

Kiki and Le Fay!

My first carved pumpking! *0*/ It was very fast to do, my friend baked it first lol
Well that was my halloween yay! 
Did you have a nice trick or treat~?
fu fu fu

Take care~!

November 05, 2012

Flash Promo SS!

Hey guys! This is for my SS in Brazil, so portuguese post today!

Ooi meninas! (acho que não tenho followers meninos!)
Todas conhecem a marca Bodyline, certo? Uma loja que tem melhorado muito a respeito de qualidade e design, a Bodyline é uma das lojas perfeitas para se começar a usar lolita! (ou comprar cosplays/roupas punk-goth).

Bom, a BL está em promoção!!! omg!
O envio está por apenas 10 dólares fixo!! Mas só até o dia 30 de Novembro de 2012

E o que a Cake está fazendo dando free propaganda da loja ????!
O SS está com promoção também!!!!!!!!!!!

Faça já seu pedido da BL e pague só 10% de taxa de shopping service. (*)
Cake's gone craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cake pirou totalmente, mas aproveitem que é só até dia 30 de Novembro!!

* + taxas de paypal e correios brasileiros.
(Lembrando que só aceito pedidos e respondo perguntas sobre o SS pelo email

Outra coisa, já viram meu Give Away? É de amostrinhas de BB cream E um desenho para vocês, com todo carinho.
Participar não custa nada, gente, é só reblogar ^^ Se vocês não tiverem tumblr, tudo bem, mas dem uma olhadinha no meu de vez em quando ahahaha, posto mais os meus outfits do dia-a-dia e tal, para quem se interessar mais por moda.

November 01, 2012

☆Give Away☆

Hello boys and girls from all over the world だ━━ヽ(*ゝヮ゜*)ノノ━━っ♪(ok not so much)
This is my first Give Away~~! yaaay Because I want to celebrate my over 100 followers (I'm astonished, really!) and welcome my new tumblr (which is not poluted yet lol) I'm doing this Give Away~!

(So shut up and tell us the prices already!!!) Yes, yes, on to it then!!
YAY free samples I got from my last BB cream purchase 
(Not so much, but hurr durr)

Umn Super + BB cream whitening and anti wrinkling (x3)

This are the same, but for some reason it's a litte different. Same shizzle, though. (x3)


Common BB Cream (x3)

hey this look like condomns--- they're not ok; ̄ロ ̄)
 Super hydro moisturizing CREAM (x3)

This are little thin papers to take off the oil from your skin. (x1)

So yeah, also because I want to promote my artsies I'll do a mini portrait (like this) of the deary winner! (So once I announce the winner, please give me a picture you'd like to be drawn and yeah 

How to participate;
1. Follow Mary in the Sky (this blog) and Cake Tumblr-ism (if you don't have a tumblr it's okay, but you must follow Mary in The Sky at least)
2. Reblog in your own blog (Can be resumed, not the whole thing I know I talk to much ;U; sorry guys)
3.  Leave a comment HERE saying you want to participate (or else I can't get your name lol)
4. That's it! Contest is up till November 25th ヾ( ^ω^)ノ

Thank you guys for following my boring blog of selfishness and my trips and all ;U; ILU all

See you in a while then? Oh oh Saturday is our big Halloween party! I won't forget the camera this time I swear to Rilakkuma. My costume is ready and uuuuuuh yeah 

Take care!