May 01, 2013

Golden Week (pt 1) + Foxpill (3)

YAY Golden Week is heeeeeeeeeeere!
yay yaay yaaay!
For me, Golden week is only mondays and Friday, I still have school on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday T_T
But that's fiiiiiiiiiine!

On Friday night we had International Go Go Nihon partyyy!

I went wiz Ellin and met my school peeps at Yokohama Station!
I didn't take pictures?!(≧△≦)

Soooorry! It was full of people and it was very difficult to breathe...!
But so much fun!

Then on Saturday....

(this is the last show this month! 3 weeks in a row, am I lucky or what?)

Anyways, there were many many bands, but I could just sit and relax with the Foxpill members >//u//<

We are learning 'ninpo' (??) 
Kira-senpai looks so cute (v´▽`)v
We talked untill it was their turn~!
I feel so lucky I get to talk to the members of my favorite band..!
And laugh at their silly puns!(´・∀・)ノ゚
(bunpo -- ninpo -- ?!)

This was very short show  ....(≧△≦)ノ
But I enjoyed the light settings very much!

te he!(´・∀・)ノ゚
I bought a new CD! (`∀´)ノ01 -neurological ghost-!
I wanted sun eat sun.
but I got only sun eat drug.
which is 9 minutes long and it's so slow and ephemeral and good.

Anyways got it signed!
Buuuut Pueru-san went home earlier (≧△≦) so I couldn't get his ႨOL from always... </3
sad sad sad

On the really bright side, I got a special sign from everyone w
Guri's cute as always!
I got special mr. Onioon from Kevin (huh? onioon ? lol)
and and Kira-senpai wrote A.Kira and not Kikutake? Im happy, somehow!
Still want my ႨOL ( ノω-、)

 After the show they walked us out (I went by myself but met all the other Cult supporters later!
Like Chiz and Raisu neesan.
Also I met Sugar ! She's so nice~!)
And I was late so I ran to the subway....

And I found it!!! I was walking fast and the very white poster called my attention.
They took it off the next day, but I could see it!
The Ikebukuro poster yesss!
Anyways I missed the last train to Yokohama p(´⌒`。q)so scary!
I had to take a taxi..... Super scary!
and expensive ´Д`
But I made it home just fine.
And the next day.... Mary came to play!

We went to try on Yukatas!
For summer festivals, we are preparing~(@⌒▽⌒@)

I had to try A LOT (´口`*)of  yukatas...!
I couldn't decide, colors, patterns... Even sometimes they looked big on me!
(this is not the one I bought! The stars looks all very pretty but it didn't suit me...)
In the end I found a very nice one!!

I'm so cool.

3000 yen for obi (sash), geta (sandals) and yukata~!
That's USD30!!! SO CHEAP!

We went to celebrate our shopping at Gusto's
More tabehoudai!
( ^-^)/且☆且\(^-^ )

And since Im obsessed with foxes and cults lately
Fox mask ヽ(*ゝヮ゜*)ノwhich I've been searching for EVERYWHERE

and a small ring w
cute cute cute

Then on Monday I went studying at Gusto's again with Mary ~~
And I had to call my former teacher, Panda, 'cause I had too many questions that couldn't be explained in Japanese...
Im scared of tests so ....
But it was ok! I think. Barely. (。┰ω┰。)Probably not

After, went for a walk. 
Love this spot in Kannai.
It's my favorite.

Do you have a favorite place?

take care!
sweet dreams......

PS: write a comment in aaaany language I'll reply it asap! and if you've got any questions please me!ヽ(*・ω・)ノ

1 comment:

  1. Wahhh como assim!!! ;_; eu também não sabia que vc estava no Japão *aquela que super ignorou a existência do feed do blogger (e o blogger também haha) há meses*
    Você está em Yokohama né? poxa, passei um dia aí ;_;
    Planejo voltar em alguns anos, esteja aí ainda! XD


Any thoughts? Shootミ☆