November 19, 2012

Ichigo's party

The march towards adulthood seems to be blocked by everything I find amusing.

This Saturday was Ichigo's birthday party!
It was kind of strawberry / red / pink themed, so I dressed up a little~
Finally got to wear my Meta shoes ;^; sorta year later.... 
I'm surprised it's the photo that gets the most likes in my Tumblr :T 

Well the party was Karaoke, which passed soooo fast! We sang and screamed a lot haha
And Ichigo made a cake it was very good yay~
Fun fun fun~

Take care~!


  1. Mas que foto linda!!! E essas pernocas de modelo hein? Arrasou! E você fica uma fofa de vermelho by the way♥

  2. Lindo lindo! Só precisávamos de + fotos para ver como foi a festinha hehehe ^^

    tenha uma boa semana!


Any thoughts? Shootミ☆